Saturday, April 01, 2006

Alberta Opposition Parties Non-Response to Klein's Numbers

Alberta's opposition parties need to wake up and smell the blogosphere. Neither liberal party, at the time of this writing, has an official reaction on their site to the huge news about Ralph Klein's approval numbers tanking to an unbelievable 55% overnight.

It's long past time for the Liberals and NDPs to realize that there are thousands of us out here on the internets who demand timely announcements to current events. And, in Alberta, there has not been a stunning news event like the results of Klein's leadership approval numbers for a very long time.

Simply relying on the traditional media in Alberta to carry opposition reactions is no longer workable. Last nite, as many of us waited for the results, we knew that our only option for quickly discovering the percentage of votes Ralph ended up with - besides our local radio stations - was to rely on the internet.

It would have been handy if the opposition parties had blogs or, at least, someone available on their sites to post the news as soon as it happened. The parties are missing out by not tapping into the reality that Alberta bloggers are clamoring for updates and that we could be used as a valuable resource to spread their message.

It's time for the NDPs and the Liberals to catch up with the rest of us. They refuse to do so at their own peril.

(I've e-mailed this post to both parties. Let's see what kind of response I get.)

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