Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bush's Poll Numbers on the CIA Leak Case

Editor & Publisher has a summary of the latest poll numbers:

Overall, 63% of Americans believe Bush did something either illegal (21%) or unethical (42%), while 28% say he did nothing wrong. While many more Democrats are critical, 3 in 10 Republicans also find that Bush did something illegal or unethical.

The more closely people are following the issue, the more likely they are to say he did something illegal rather than merely unethical.

The poll, conducted April 7-9, 2006, shows that just 25% of Americans are following the matter "very" closely, while another 39% are following the issue "somewhat" closely. Another 36% are not following the issue closely at all.

Despite the latest turns in the CIA leak case, and news from Iraq, the president's overall approval rating did not fall still further, hanging on at 37%, which is in line with most other polls.

Those 36% who "are not following the issue closely at all" just need to know one thing: Bush leaked the National Intelligence Estimate's key findings for political purposes. However, the fact that 63% of Americans believe Bush did something wrong in this case shows that his actions will definitely have a political impact that could well influence the elections this November. Stay tuned for decreased Bush approval numbers in the weeks to come.

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