Thursday, April 27, 2006

Random News & Views Roundup

- US Rep. John Conyers is suing Bush over the budget bill. Fun times!

- Senator Russ Feingold made his virgin flight into Booman Tribune on Thursday to write about Iraq. Who doesn't love Russ??

- Two ROTC recruitment centers in North Carolina have been vandalized . Michelle Malkin hasn't blamed it on "evil liberals" I guess that counts as news.

- The New Republic has an article about the most boring man in congress, George Allen, titled "Pin Prick". Whether they think Allen's a prick who wears pins or if he was actually the victim of a pin prick in unclear.

- Jonah Goldberg thinks the left "blew it" in its response to the appointment of FAUX newsman, Tony Snow, as WH press secretary. Then again, Goldberg thinks the left has blown it on every issue out there, so who cares what he thinks? (He actually used the words "Bush" and "magnanimous" in the same sentence.)

- Senator Arlen Specter, that sometimes renegade Republican guy from PA, told the world today that he is threatening to cut off funds to the White House's illegal spying program until he gets some answers. Good luck with that, Arlen! Lucky for him, he's well known enough to not be suddenly extraordinarily rendered to Uzbekistan. (They boil people there that they don't like.)

- Rice and Rummy (Rice-a-Rummy?) visited Iraq this week but nobody really cared, so I won't even bother looking for a link.

- The John Fund v Juan Cole wars. Let's hope Juan ends up occupying John's ass. Wait, that didn't come out right...

- I'M THE DECIDER (Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo)

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