Sunday, March 05, 2006

This Week's Honourary Canadian Citizenship Award

This week's recipient of my Honourary Canadian Citizenship Award is the irreverent comedian and host of the hugely popular television production The Daily Show. - Jon Stewart. Willing to challenge the mainstream, Stewart's fake news show stings with the type of wit, cynicism, and sarcasm that Canadians have enjoyed for decades thanks to shows like This Hour Has 22 Minutes and The Royal Canadian Air Farce.

Canadians have long been known for our self-deprecating humour - a trait that keeps us sane and secure. And, we appreciate intelligent humour (Men With Brooms, notwithstanding).

Stewart, set to host Sunday evening's Academy Awards, has some of the right-wing (who are already incensed over the supposed Hollywood elite's so-called liberal agenda) prepared for what will no doubt be unrelenting attacks on their dear leader, George W Bush. The Democrats won't come through the ceremonies unscathed either, but we on the left are more than willing to laugh at ourselves. If we didn't, we'd have been certified and institutionalized long ago which, I believe, is actually part of the recently revised Patriot Act.

Not so on the right. If there ever was a group who continually has their collective panties in a bunch, to the point where they really ought to consider just going commando-style rather than being so darn uncomfortable all the time, the right wins the Oscar for most.anal.retentive.ever. But, since going pantyless is immoral and would probably spur Pat Robertson into declaring that Armageddon is indeed upon us, right-wingers will continue to suffer in their oh-so-twisted underwear.

So, Mr Stewart, Canada salutes you! We honour your bravery and we love your comedy, which appears on one of our regular - not cable - stations each nite. See? We don't even have to pay to watch your show. That's how much Canada appreciates your presence on the airwaves. Let us know if you've ended up on the no-fly list. We'll send down a dog-sled if you ever want to visit. Don't forget to wear your toque! It's cold up here.

Do us proud tonite, Jon! We'll be pigging out on poutine while we enjoy the show.

Previous winners of my Honourary Canadian Citizenship Award include: state Senator Robert Hagan (D-Ohio), and the man mistaken for a quail, Harry Whittington.

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