Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Abortion Rights Are Eugenics?

Supporting a woman's right to choose equals supporting eugenics? It seems to me that Libertarians ought to stand for their principles: getting government interference out of everyone's life. Conressman Ron Paul writes:

Libertarians believe, along with the Founding Fathers, that every individual has inalienable rights, among which are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Neither the State, nor any other person, can violate those rights without committing an injustice. But, just as important as the power claimed by the State to decide what rights we have, is the power to decide which of us has rights.

What about women's rights? Are women exempt from "the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"?

Today, we are seeing a piecemeal destruction of individual freedom. And in abortion, the statists have found a most effective method of obliterating freedom: obliterating the individual. Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law.

No. The ultimate state tyranny is a government that stands between a woman, her right to privacy and the right to control her own body. The minute you have a uterus, Norm Singleton and Ron Paul, you get back to me and we'll discuss this.

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