Sunday, March 12, 2006

Feingold Calls for Censure of Bush

In an interview on ABC'S This Week, Senator Russ Feingold announced his plan to call for a censure of George W Bush.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Tomorrow in the Senate, you're going to introduce a resolution to censure George W. Bush. Let me show that to our viewers.

It says, "Resolved that the United States Senate does hereby censure George W. Bush, president of the United States, and does condemn his unlawful authorization of wiretaps of Americans."

That is a big step. Why are you taking it now?

FEINGOLD: It's an unusual step. It's a big step, but what the president did by consciously and intentionally violating the Constitution and laws of this country with this illegal wiretapping, has to be answered.

There can be debate about whether the law should be changed. There can be debate about how best to fight terrorism. We all believe that there should be wiretapping in appropriate cases -- but the idea that the president can just make up a law, in violation of his oath of office, has to be answered .

While censure is not as powerful a tool as impeachment, currently being pushed by Congressman John Conyers and at least 30 other House Democrats, attempting to censure Bush over the issue of spying on Americans reminds the country that Bush's theory of divine power cannot go unchallenged.

In a predictable move, Senate Majority leader Bill Frist's response was that such a move will embolden the enemies. Yawn.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Republican of Tennessee, called the proposal "a crazy political move" that would weaken the U.S. during wartime.

(Sidebar: Note how that AP article begins with this characterization of Feingold: "(AP) A liberal Democrat and potential White House contender". Yes, that's right AP. Feingold is just another one of those moonbat libruls and he wants to be president. Ergo, that's why he's opposed to Bush's illegal spying. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Bush broke the law. Shameful.)

No reaction yet from the exploding heads in the White House. I'm sure Rove will soon accuse Feingold of a) being gay b) fathering an illegitimate black child c) being French d) being a traitor or d) all of the above.

(Video clips of Feingold and Frist courtesy of Crooks and Liars.)

Two things: First of all, Frist is a hypocrite. Well, we already knew that, but here's more evidence. He goes on and on about how thou shalt not criticize the president during a time of war when, just last week, he was all over Bush like white on rice about the Dubai Ports World deal. Physician, heal thyself.

Secondly, while I understand that there is no hope in hell of impeaching Bush while the Republicans have total control of Congress, I do wish Feingold would have solidly supported the efforts of Conyers and those who have signed on to his call for impeachment. Feingold came across as not even being aware of such a move by Conyers. The Democrats need to get their act together and stop pussy-footing around these serious issues. While they waffle, people are being killed.

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