Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pakistani Protesters Detained: CNN Anchor Distorts the Facts

CNN anchor, Carol Lin, reported today (at ~5pm ET) that Pakistan's government had detained "dozens of protesters" so they would not disrupt Bush's visit to the country.

In fact, Musharaf's government detained hundreds. Even CNN's website reports the correct number:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) -- Pakistani authorities held leading opposition politicians, including hundreds of Islamists, in detention on Saturday to stop them protesting against U.S. President George W. Bush's visit to the country.

On Saturday police detained up to 350 of the Islamist parties' local-level leaders in towns dotted around the country to prevent them organising rallies, Liaqat Baluch, an MMA member of the National Assembly, told Reuters.

This obviously begs the question: why would the CNN TV broadcast, which is seen worldwide, choose to minimize the number of these detentions?

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