Friday, March 03, 2006

al Qaeda Planning "Big Bang" in Iraq

Does al Qaeda actually believe in the Big Bang Theory? Maybe this was mistranslated and should actually read as a "Kaboom"?

Via CBS News:
U.S. officials tell CBS News that intelligence has picked up reports that al Qaeda in Iraq is planning what one source calls the "Big Bang," a spectacular terrorist attack in Iraq against either a single high-profile target or multiple targets simultaneously.

That's all CBS knows. The rest of the article is about the recent violence in Iraq.

So, why are US officials talking to CBS about this? Here's my theory: Bush is in trouble at home with his tanking poll numbers since so many of his rats are leaving his sinking ship over national security issues and this Dubai ports deal - not to mention the illegal spying Bush is so fond of. So, using a well-worn strategy like, "Hey! Look over there! Terrorists!" is always a handy, temporary solution. While everybody is on edge, Bushco will come around in due time to say that the "Big Bang" attack was thwarted by Rumsfeld's wit and skill and, once again, Bush is your hero. Re-elect Republicans.

Or, there could just be a really big bomb blast in Iraq sometime soon. Only time will tell...

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