Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Abortion Debate Carries On

Atrios asks the $64,000 question:

I've never understood the rape exception to laws forbidding abortion. Aside from it being moral gibberish, how exactly would it work in practice? Would there actually have to be a rape conviction before the exception is triggered, something virtually impossible given the rather short time horizon of pregnancy. Or would a woman simply have to claim to have been raped, and name the alleged assailant.

To the pro-lifers out there, (including Bush who supports these exceptions): isn't a fetus begotten via rape a real fetus - or what? Why the exception? I thought you believed life was life no matter what. And what about incest victims and their fetuses? Why don't those count? They don't in South Dakota anymore. How do you feel about that? And, if those fetuses don't count, why can't they be used in stem-cell research? You okayed their "deaths" after all.

So, when exactly does life begin and to what extent will pro-lifers go to save these creations? One caller proposed an interesting scenario to radio talk show host Andrew Wilkins, who then flipped out and told him, as so many right-wingers are prone to do when they get their hypocrisy handed back to them, to "shut up". Wilkins proclaims at the end of the clip that he wasn't angry -that the caller didn't "get under his skin". Listen and decide for yourself.

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