Sunday, October 01, 2006

'Super Weekend' Update

As opposed to Super 'Weekend Update'.

Well, the final results aren't all in yet but according to the Liberals' nifty tracking device it looks like Ignatieff may only have 1/3 of the total votes nationally, which will force a second ballot at the convention. This is going to be a very tight contest between Ignatieff, Kennedy and Rae from the looks of it. Dion is still in the running and is very strong in Quebec so, at this point, it looks like he also has a fighting chance as well.

Overall, we basically don't know much more now than we did at the beginning of this delegate selection process. C'est la vie!

You can read a description of the whole process here.

Update: Progressive Bloggers is hosting a live chat for its members to discuss these results on Sunday.

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