Monday, October 02, 2006

Republican Bloggers Jumping Ship

The tipping points and reasons vary but, as you can see by this now former Bush supporter's post and those he links to at the bottom, some right-wing bloggers just can't bring themselves to vote for the GOP anymore.

I'd ask what took them so long but I do understand the depths of party loyalty and the effect that has on one's psyche. It's not easy to give up on your party, especially in the US where there are only two major viable options, unfortunately. But when your party is no longer recognizable, as this crop of Republicans which claimed to be regular conservatives are and when your president has gone over the neocon edge into the twilight zone of political death, what other choice does a person with a conscience and concern for their party's and their country's future have? That blogger knows that if he supports the Republicans, he'll just ensure more of the same and that just isn't fathomable anymore.

How many more will turn before November? How many will just give up?

Sidebar: Although the original ship jumper is bailing because of Iraq, the rest of the bunch are reacting to Frist's statement about including Taliban types in the Afghan government.

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