Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Quick Recap of the Liberal Leadership Debate

1. It was too damn long - just like this Liberal party leadership race has been.

2. I like Martha Hall-Findlay, Gerard Kennedy and Ken Dryden - really, I do - but none of them is ready to lead the party yet.

3. Volpe - just quit now, please?

4. Brison - you too.

5. Ignatieff, Dion and Rae made sparks fly, as predicted, with Dion taking jabs at Ignatieff for being a newbie, Ignatieff taking stabs at Dion's record in the Chretien & Martin governments, Rae impaling both of them and, in the end, no one came out a winner.

6. Did I mention it was too damn long?

7. They did manage to cover the following issues: women in politics, homelessness, the environment, culture, gun control, same sex marriage, international relations and infrastructure. Noticably absent were: the economy, health care and education along with broader justice and social issues and the military. Of course, if they'd covered all of those issues, the debate would still be going on.

8. I forgot to mention that a 'scantily clad woman' and a man with a small megaphone were escorted from the hall when the debate started. And Bob Rae managed to keep his clothes on this time.

9. The fun part of the day was chatting with fellow Progressive Bloggers
(except for Scott - he was cranky). ;)

Not sent from my wireless Blackberry, because I don't have one and I'm not Jason Cherniak.

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