Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bush Launches Pre-emptive Strike on Baker's Iraq Report

Even though Bush has said that he doesn't know what the Iraq Study Group's report will contain (like anyone actually believes that), he's now decided to very hastily throw together a new report of his own.

The initiative, begun after Bush met at the White House with his foreign policy team, parallels the effort by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group to salvage U.S. policy in Iraq, develop an exit strategy and protect long-term U.S. interests in the region. The two reviews are not competitive, administration officials said, although the White House wants to complete the process before mid-December, about the time the Iraq Study Group's final report is expected.
The White House review could give the administration alternatives so that it feels less pressure to fully implement the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group report, foreign policy experts said.

Is this Bush pushing back against his daddy's men in some very public display of childish defiance while peoples freaking lives are at stake? It's obvious he knows full well what's coming down the pike, that he doesn't like it and that he wants his yes men to come up with something he can fight back with. Has there ever been a more spoiled rotten boy king?

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