Thursday, November 02, 2006

Allen Camp E-mail Calls Webb a Pedophile

Okay, ummm, ouch...

Frank Schaeffer: I should be supporting Allen. Instead, I'm leaving the party.

I'm a Christian, a writer, a military parent and a registered Republican.

On all those counts, I was disgusted by an e-mail I just received that's being circulated by campaign supporters of Republican George Allen, who's trying to retain his Senate seat in Virginia.

The message goes like this: "First, it was the Catholic priests, then it was Mark Foley, and now Jim Webb, whose sleazy novels discuss sex between very young teenagers. ... Hmmm, sounds like a perverted pedophile to me! Pass the word that we do not need any more pedophiles in office."Democrat James Webb is a war hero and former Marine, wounded in Vietnam and winner of the Navy Cross. He was writing about class and military issues long before me and has articulated the issue of how the elites have dropped the ball on military service in his classic novel Fields of Fire. By the way, that's a book Tom Wolfe calls "the greatest of the Vietnam novels."


According to the Allen camp's logic, God would be a pedophile, too. After all, we Christians believe God inspired the Bible. And God-the-author chose to include the "sleazy" story about Lot offering to send out his young virgin daughters to be raped by the men of Sodom.

The Bible has masturbation scenes, rape, pedophilia and God's favorite man – King David – warming himself with a young virgin in his old age. He's the same man God tells us committed murder after he indulged his peeping Tom fantasies.

Lucky for God-the-author that He's not running against George Allen.

Amen to that!

I have no idea who Frank Schaeffer is but good for him for exposing yet another dirty Allen trick.

And is it any surprise that the fear-o-sphere is not only blaming the so-called 'nutroots' for this e-mail but that they're also attacking Frank Schaeffer? That blogger threw in everything but the kitchen sink into that post. Pathetic. That is the smell of desperation. I'm sure heads will be exploding next week when they lose the House and possibly the senate.

Update: Here's more on Frank Schaeffer.

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