Keep checking the site throughout the weekend and remember that we'll have to wait for the official results.
Here's what those numbers mean:
About 200,000 party members are voting to elect some 4,300 delegates nationwide during the Liberals' "super weekend," which started Friday and ends Sunday. Delegates will be bound on the first ballot at the Dec. 2 convention to support the leadership candidate for whom they were elected; they are free to vote for whomever they choose on subsequent ballots.
Consequently, the results from this weekend's delegate elections will give a good indication of first-ballot support for each of the eight leadership hopefuls.
With almost 900 delegates chosen, preliminary results posted by the party early Saturday showed Ignatieff in the lead with 239 delegates or 27.6 per cent. Party insiders have estimated that Ignatieff will need at least 35 per cent on the first ballot to avoid being overtaken.
For the record, as I've noted several times before, I am opposed to Ignatieff as leader and if he is chosen I will not vote Liberal in the next election. For those who don't know, I am an independent liberal, not a Liberal party member. My preferences in this race are Dion, Rae and Dryden - although each one holds concerns for me but there's no such thing as the perfect candidate.
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