Harper's quick, bland, Bush Lite speech (video) to the UN could have been an opportunity for this new prime minister to actually have an impact beyond the 30 second soundbites he'll now receive in the global press. Instead, he played it safe and puppeted Bush and John Bolton.
Harper also challenged the pace of change at the UN and said it needs to become more accountable -- pointing to his own government's steps to improve accountability as a good example for the body to follow.
Yeah...good example...the Cons are so dedicated to secrecy, invasion of privacy and outright arrogance, evidenced by the fact that Steve seems to believe that other world leaders are actually paying attention to what his government is doing in Canada, that he thinks making such a comparison would serve as some sort of inspiration to the UN? Not bloody likely. And frankly, if they do follow Canada's current example of governance not much will actually change at the UN as it is.
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