If you're not familiar with the Eh?-list, don't worry about it. All you need to know is that, as far as you know, it didn't exist until now.
Yes, you are invited to join this secret cabal of Canadian bloggy conspiracy that works behind the scenes (in the 'back bacon rooms') to pursue absolute control over everything written by lefty Canadian blogger types. If you don't sign up now, you can't complain later when you discover that we've manipulated your brainwaves into believing exactly what we do. Don't say you weren't warned.
Here are the membership qualifications:
1) You must be Canadian or at least be a commie sympathizer.
2) You must agree to absolute mind control techniques covertly tested on conservative rats in a super-duper secret laboratory located at 123 5th St in Red Deer, Alberta.
3) The third rule of the Eh?-list is that you don't talk about the Eh?-list.
4) Anyone caught disclosing the genius of the conversations on the Eh?-list will be banished to Crawford, Texas - permanently.
5) You must blog about what we tell you to blog about because we know what to blog about and you, obviously, don't.
6) Never give out the secret tourtiere recipe. That is the ultimate violation and will not be tolerated.
7) The seventh rule of the Eh?-list is that you don't talk about the Eh?-list.
8) 'You can check out any time, but you can never leave' (unless you break rules 4 or 6).
9) You will hail me as your leader, because I deserve to be hailed, damnit. (I will provide instructions on the appropriate hailing methods).
Okay. There you have it. You have until Sunday to sign up. Hockey is over for the season. No excuses not to sign up right now.
Just say Eh?!
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