Monday, May 15, 2006

What Happened to Rove's Imminent Indictment?

Many bloggers picked up on t r u t h o u t's story by Jason Leopold this past Saturday that stated Rove was going to be indicted on perjury charges and had "24 hours" to "get his affairs in order". That article had now been edited to read "24 business hours".

William Rivers Pitt describes what happened:

In point of fact, those 24 hours are "business hours," i.e. starting on Monday.

"Jeez, Jason," I said, "we might want to put that into the essay. Half the planet thought 24 hours was 24 hours. They thought the deal would go down today."

To be fair, a dozen eyes looked at that article yesterday before we published it, mine included, and none of us caught that. The word "business" has been inserted into the story after "hours" where it belongs:

So. Monday at the very earliest, but more like Tuesday or Wednesday.
I'd repeat everything I've said about Jason's multiple independent sources, about how the MSMs failure to pick this up sounds more like more of the same old shit than anything ominous, about how no hard paper or announcements or anything will come until, at a minimum, the government re-opens for business on Monday...but I've written it all already.

The truth will out. It always does.

It would have been nice, Jason, if 1) you would have included the word 'business' in your original article and 2) you would have appended a correction to your article instead of just changing the original without any kind of statement acknowledging the mistake. That's sloppy journalism.

Regardless, we still don't know if or when Rove will be indicted and Leopold's credibility in the past has been one of trustworthiness. So, just hang on and keep checking the DoJ's website for updates on any possible indictment papers being filed.

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