Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Faux Jamil Hussein Blog

It was bound to happen. Someone has set up a blog pretending to be the disputed AP Iraqi source Captain Jamil Hussein and because of this post I wrote about Malkin's trip to Iraq yesterday, I have now been dubbed as one of the 'Nice Peoples' who believe Hussein exists.

This Canadian woman has tirelessly hassled the mean people who think I am a fiction person.

That's true and I will continue to do so until they can provide proof that Hussein does not exist, as they claim. Malkin had the chance to do some independent investigating at the invitation of journalist Eason Jordan and has chosen instead to embed with the US military. I wish her safety because it's an incredibly dangerous place as we all know, but she's passed up her chance to really do some digging in Iraq to confirm her suspicions that Hussein is supposedly some figment of the AP's imagination. It seems, at this point, the best the Hussein deniers can really claim is a stalemate.

I've been following the actions of CSI:Bloggerville for months so I don't mind at all that I'm now getting visits as a result of being linked to by the faux Hussein blog from those who have so viciously attacked the media, labeling them 'traitors' and 'enemies'.

My biggest beef has not been how they view the press in Iraq though. It has been a lack of expressed sorrow for the victims as they've examined every pixel of every photo and every word of every news article to justify their positions too often ignoring the fact that there are people who suffer behind those stats and gruesome episodes.

So, welcome warbloggers. And if you ever actually prove without a doubt that Captain Jamil Hussein doesn't exist, I'll give you your due. In the meantime though, I'll continue to write about what I think really matters: life, death and the hell of an illegal war and occupation in a country whose future looks ominously grave as your president plans what will probably be a devastating troop surge while those same troops continue to lose faith in their commander-in-chief.

Update: The Iraqi government has confirmed the existence of Jamil Hussein. Game, set, match.

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