Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Partisanship Kills

Al Gore on climate change:

...I'm focused on this climate crisis and I believe it should not be seen as a political issue. I think it is a moral issue, and I want Republicans and conservatives as well as Democrats, liberals, to share the sense of urgency and this moral cause. Our future is at stake.

I don't want to imagine a future in which our children say, decades from now, what were our parents thinking? Why didn't they wake up when they had a chance?

In order to answer that question in the present we have to lift this crisis out of the political framework and redefine it as a moral and ethical issue. It's really a spiritual issue.

While endless parstisan debates occur over issues like this and so many others that are vital to our childrens' and granchildrens' futures, politicians are wasting precious time battling for their parties instead of their countries. That is not what democracy is supposed to be about.

You can read the transcript of Larry King's interview with Al Gore here. I hope he runs in '08. He's a principled, decent man. Perhaps the year 2000 was not meant to be for him as he has certainly evolved since then into what I would consider to be solid presidential material.

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