Thursday, April 20, 2006

Women Getting Raped & Murdered? Blame Liberals

In what is yet another astounding piece of mindless tripe delivered by a right-wing pundit who seriously needs to buy a clue, Ann Coulter decides to analyze the Duke rape case and that of missing teen Natalee Holloway and, of course, erroneously concludes that the so-called laissez-faire attitudes of liberals are to blame. It just continues to amaze me that right-wingers can tie everything to Bill Clinton in some warped version of the game Six Degrees of Separation.

Coulter makes her argument on the false claim that no one has decried the fact that public drunkenness and risk-taking behaviour should be criticized in cases where the results are extreme. Nothing could be further from the truth. The media have done their public duty in their coverage of both cases (Holloway and the Duke rape allegations) to inform the public about the perils involved by women and men who choose to engage in risky behaviour.

Just this past Monday, viewers of CNN's Situation Room saw this exchange between host Wolf Blitzer and legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin:

BLITZER: The other point that came out last week, the suggestion, the allegation, by one of the police officers on the scene that this woman who makes the complaint of rape actually was drunk at the time. That's obviously going to be something that the prosecution potentially can have a problem with.

TOOBIN: That's potentially a problem, especially if as is likely the alleged victim is a key witness in the case, but it also bears mentioning that drunk women are frequently raped. In fact, that's an often scenario and that doesn't mean that the prosecutors can't bring the case. It is potentially a matter of proof that makes life more difficult for the prosecution but by no means does it suggest that there can't be a case here.

Unfortunately, drunk women are often the victims of rape. It makes a case more difficult. By no means does it make it impossible.

Coulter, however, sees things this way:

The liberal charge of "hypocrisy" has so permeated the public consciousness that no one is willing to condemn any behavior anymore, no matter how seedy. The unstated rule is: If you've done it, you can't ever criticize it -- a standard that would seem to repudiate the good works of the Rev. Franklin Graham, Malcolm X, Whittaker Chambers and St. Paul, among others.

Every woman who has had an abortion feels compelled to defend abortion for all women; every man who's ever been at a party with strippers thinks he has to defend all men who watch strippers; and every Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton feels the need to defend duplicity, adultery, lying about adultery, sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, kicking the can of global Islamo-fascism down the road for eight years and so on.

This is crazy. (I can say that because I've never been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. Although I did test positive for "Olympic fever" once.)

In no area except morality would a sane person believe he can't criticize something stupid because he's done it.

Coulter offers absolutely no evidence to back up this claim except the fact that's she's never been diagnosed as "crazy". The fact that it's not on paper does not make it so, Ann. As is often the case with truly illogical arguments, she uses the word "every" to mischaracterize an entire group of people as holding certain beliefs. And, she doesn't stop at Democrats or liberals. She continues by attacking most people of faith:

But we're all rotten sinners, incapable of redemption on our own. The liberal answer to sin is to say: I can never pay this back, so my argument will be I didn't do anything wrong.

The religion of peace's answer is: I've just beheaded an innocent man -- I'm off to meet Allah!

I don't know what the Jewish answer is, but I'm sure it's something other than, "therefore, what I did is no longer bad behavior" -- or the Talmud could be a lot shorter.

The Christian answer is: I can never pay this back, but luckily that Christ fellow has already paid my debt.

What is there to say about a woman who is so blind to reality, whose arguments are so deluded, who refuses to understand those she condemns, whose vitriol is so inane and whose words should not be given credibility by any rational thinking person expect to conclude that "crazy" isn't just a diagnosis that can be made by psychiatrists?

As for Coulter's claim that liberals are unwilling to condemn any behaviour as "seedy", I'm a liberal and I know seedy, lie-filled, extremist, right-wing pundit behaviour when I see it and it sickens me.

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