Sunday, February 19, 2006

Documentary: The Torture Question

In Canada this Sunday evening, the CBC is showing the documentary, "The Torture Question". This is an in-depth look at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, "extraordinary rendition" (torture flights) and the broader issue of the practice of torture as perpetrated by the US government, military and its coalition of the willing in their so-called "war on terrorism".

This was originally presented on PBS's Frontline. You can view the documentary in its entirety online (free) here as well as accessing much more information about these practices. You can also participate in their discussion forum.

Frankly, it's difficult to watch the apologists for torture as they justify their positions in this film. I would ask each and every one of them if they would a) submit themselves to the types of torture being inflicted and/or b) mete it out themselves. Only then might I give any creedence to what they might have to say. Although, I should point out that I'm extremely disappointed in Senator John McCain, a torture victim during the Vietnam war and a POW for 5 1/2 years, for not abandoning his president over this issue. When he stands next to Bush and endorses him, I have to wonder how he can even fathom being so near man who is his ethical opposite - who supports torturing helpless suspects - just as McCain once was.

This topic is maddening and it needs to stay at the forefront of the American layperson's consciousness. Simply stating that one is opposed to it is not enough.

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