- Tony Snow: 'The President's been called a lot worse and, I suspect, will be.' You can count on that.
Washington's take on remarks
ABC REPORTER "The Deputy Prime Minister may have used an expletive to describe the President's work on the Middle East road map and called him a cowboy in a Stetson hat who's not doing the job.
Since when is 'crap' an expletive?? Which century is this again?
- Why is Britain sending 500 children back to Vietnam?
- CIA contract worker found guilty of killing an Afghan man but: 'a federal jury found Passaro guilty of three counts of simple assault and one count of assault resulting in serious bodily injury, lesser charges than prosecutors had sought.' After having followed the convictions and sentences of the Abu Ghraib torturers, I'm not suprised about that result. The vast majority of those criminals received very lite sentences. Most likely, this guy will get a slap on the wrist as well.
- TV is a painkiller for kids? I obviously need to start watching more cartoons. I think CNN is actually causing me pain. I know watching Bush is.
- Gullible Americans by Paul Craig Roberts.
- From Mania to Depression by Uri Avnery
- The dictionary of cease-fire cliches by Shmuel Rosner
- 'OMG OMG OMG - BREAKING! - bomb material found on plane! - Middle Eastern woman involved!!....Oh...wait...it was just cosmetics. Ummm...carry on.'
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