Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Fun

Courtesy of CSI: Blogosphere™ - that portion of the right-wing blogosphere's 101st Fighting Keyboardists whose mission it is to examine every possible press photo they can (while conveniently ignoring the actual wars going on - death and carnage are so distasteful after all unless one of their enemy "Islamofascists" has been executed for their fun and pleasure) to provide you with a painful examination of the tiniest pic pixels in order to supposedly prove to you that FAUX News is the only media conglomerate you can trust. (Ooops...what's this? FAUX News editing Wikipedia for its own benefit? Ummm....never mind...we have AFP pics to examine!)

You'll have to read through the comments at Confederate Yankee's blog to find the truth - that the US military actually releases photos for use by press outlets. I doubt very much he'll update his post with an actual correction though. Why do that when you can just move the goalposts and continue whining about how traitorous the press is and how wonderful your investigative skills supposedly are, regardless? He's on a mission, damnit!

I did indeed notice the failure of journalism in the few earlier decades of my life, but I simply didn't have the platform I do now to highlight them.

And I do have that platform now, stringer.


Posted by: Confederate Yankee at August 17, 2007 11:37 AM

And aren't we just the lucky ones??

Shorter CY: I've got half a brain and I'm not afraid to use it. And P.S. - the BBC & AFP are evul commie liberals. So there.

Bonus Friday fun: Considering how outraged Mr Yankee seems to feel about copyright infringement:

In any other profession, taking someone else's work and presenting it as your own through mislabeling it, misappropriating it, etc, is regarded as some sort of fraud, theft or plagiarism.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at August 17, 2007 09:55 AM

...perhaps Mr Morally and Ethically Pure can explain his real ethics since he swiped this very obviously attributed AP photo for use on his blog? No? I didn't think so.

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